3 Key strategies to be more successful in 2022

Darshan Thanki
5 min readJan 6, 2022
Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Remember same day of your last year today?

You were probably thinking to improve your life by certain degree and making promises to yourself about what you will be doing in upcoming year of 2021.

Regardless of weather you became successful at meeting those promises, you still have a chance. You still have time — a full year ahead of you.

I am always asked — how can you forget your failures have energy to focus on creating new stuff every day?

My strategy is simple, I focus on producing new stuff so much that I actually have less time spent on regretting about what I didn’t produce or what I didn’t achieve.

So here in this article, let’s talk about 3 key strategies that I have observed, that will help make you feel more confident and achieve more than what you achieved in 2021.

#1: Prioritize your time and spend it on positive activities

#2: Breakdown, track and improve

#3: Reward yourself

Let’s check #1 : How do you spend your time in activities that help you be more successful?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

You actually have more time than you think you have.

I don’t want to show you the math, but if you cut down activities that you are not supposed to do, you can use that time in doing activities that help you grow more.

I mean come on —

You don’t need to spend that much time in finishing a long video just because you started it.

You don’t need to watch every single web series just because its famous and media talks about it.

You don’t need to do misc tasks such as washing your car on a Sunday noon.

Smart enough? Count what you are doing that costs you time and quit doing what takes most of your time without giving you a worthy reward.

I have a simple way to do this, focus on it:

Cut off 8 hours a day on sleeping

8 hours a day at work

4 hours for family

You still have 4 hours each day to spend on useful activities.

No, I will not tell you which activities to cut off to save time. I will tell you how to make more time for your growth, and you will eventually focus more time on creating rather than spending on non productive tasks.

Here is a global graph of how people use their minutes

This chart from Our World in Data compares the average time allocated across various day-to-day activities

You get the point? The activities that you care the most in your life might not be as good for you as you think.

Increase your productive time and be rewarded for the hard work you put in. Learn how to get rewarded for less time that you need to spend.

Here are some of the tricks I use to increase my productive time:

I spend less time in choosing clothes and more time improving my body.

I never watch a movie in a theater because OTT platforms are available for me.

I work remotely and seldom visit a client office. I deliver my services online.

I do social media and watch stocks only while eating.

I jam up my calendar, there are almost no empty spaces in it.

I spend 6am to 9am in getting most done out of the day.

I try to goto sleep before 11pm.

#2 : How to Track and improve your key goals:

Photo by tyler hendy from Pexels

A goal is not reached until its outcome is measured and a success is achieved.

It is vital that you track your progress in almost all goal achievement. But how do you set great goals?

In order to improve certain areas of your life, you need to start record your improvements.

Don’t set realistic goals, set big goals and achieve portions of it, one success at a time.

Last year I started a practice to list 21 items of my life that I wanted to improve. I promised myself that I will track these items for the next 21 days and see how I am doing.

Some of those items included:


Meet 3 new people physically and talk to them for 15 minutes.

Meet 5 people online and talk to them for as much as possible.

Call 3 friends and ask how they are doing.

Meet family virtually for atleast 3 times in the next 21 days.


Spend 10 hours at work, 4 hours without interruptions.

Watch an industry updates video or educational video about marketing.

Take 6 new contracts each week that’s 1 contract per day.


Meditate for 5 minutes.

Help someone out without expecting anything in return.


The list goes on an on…

The point here is, I did not really achieve any of them to 100%, but I observed that I had tremendous satisfaction of doing something I promised myself.

Start doing this for the next 21 days, and you will definitely feel different. And hey, you don’t need to pay a single $ to meditate for 5 minutes if you have that goal in your list.

What do your 21 items for 21 days goal look like?

Here’s some of mine right now:

Daily productive activities log of Darshan Thanki

The takeaway rows are the notes from the book or video or podcast I had watched for the day.

Also, I spent about 5–10 minutes per day to log these items. Most of the answers were in Yes / No. I didn’t go much into details.

#3 : Reward Yourself

What if I told you that I ate lots of sweet cakes after walking 10,000 steps everyday for a week?

Here’s how they looked like:

5 types of sweet cakes — reward of 10,000 steps per day

Its okay to cheat, but not okay to get back to the program.

You need to reward yourself for the work you put in for your improvements.

Going to the club, visiting a beach, eating unhealthy ( but limited ), etc. are some of my favorite rewards.

Also you can gift yourself with items you wished to buy all year along last year.

Here are a bunch of rewards you can give to yourself.

Thank you for spending a few minutes reading this article. Make sure you follow me on Twitter to keep in touch.



Darshan Thanki

I help build, promote and scale Internet Based businesses. WordPress, Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, SEO are some of key topics I like to explore.